For a cleaner Mediterranean by the year 2020
This initiative is funded by the European Commission through DG EuropeAid.

Governance scheme

on 01 Nov 2016.

The Horizon 2020 Steering Group, chaired by the UfM co-presidency (Jordan and the EU represented by the European Commission), aims at guiding, reviewing, monitoring and effectively coordinating activities that contribute to sustainable development through the integration of the environmental dimension in other sectors and within different levels of governance across the Mediterranean region. The Steering Group is responsible for the implementation of H2020. Its members participate on an equal footing and include: EU Institutions (EC, EIB, EEA), focal points of EU member states, focal points of ENP Mediterranean partner countries, other stakeholders such as IGOs, IFIs, NGOs, local authorities, private sector etc. To date eight Steering Group meetings have taken place (Marrakesh 2007, Tunis 2008, Dubrovnik 2009, Amman 2011, Barcelona 2012, Brussels 2013, Barcelona 2014, Brussels 2016).

To implement and monitor actions three working groups address:

  1. Investments for Pollution Reduction and Prevention (PRPI) - chaired by the UfM Secretariat and the European Investment Bank (EIB);
  2. Capacity Building (CB) for achieving H2020 objectives - chaired by the UfM co-presidency (Jordan and the EU represented by the European Commission) and UNEP/Mediterranean Action Programme (UNEP/MAP); and
  3. Review and Monitoring (RM) - chaired by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and UNEP/MAP.

There is also a Research component to facilitate the inflow of relevant results from research projects to the Horizon 2020 components and promote collaboration between this Horizon 2020 (Mediterranean) and DG Research and Innovation's Horizon 2020 funding programme.